Tuesday, February 18, 2025   11:56:46
Thursday 10/8/2015
Friday 7/2/2021 National Metrology Center of Iran
The first Measurement Law in Iran was ratified by the parliament on May 31, 1925 and the Metric System was adopted as the official measuring system in the country. With regard to the statute and the Law on the establishment of the the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI) in 1960, the Metrology, Weights, and Measures Center of Iran was established in 1975 as an affiliated body to ISIRI through the technical assistance of UNIDO, UNDP, and UNESCO.
In 1975, Iran joined Meter Convention and its membership at International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and at International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) was approved by the parliament in 1985.
With regard to the driving force of the national development and the need to accessing the cutting edge technologies of the industrial countries, the Metrology Center of ISIRI managed to develop the National Metrology Development Strategy using the latest scientific, academic, and industrial capabilities. The first and the second five years programs were set according to the Strategy Program.

The chronology of NMCI  
  • 1925 - The first Weights and Measures Law was ratified by the parliament
  • 1932 - Bureau of Weights and Measures was established at the then Ministry of Agriculture, Trade and General Benefit
  • 1953 - Institute of Standards was funded as a Laboratory Office to control  exports  goods quality
  • 1960 - Approval of  the establishment  of  Institute of Standards &Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI)
  • 1975 - Metrology Center was established  as a subdivision of ISIRI
  • 1975 - Signing Meter Convention & joining BIPM
  • 1975 - Membership to OIML
  • 2016 - Signing the CIPM-MRA
  • 2017 - membership to APMP

NMCI Mission

The missions of the NMCI as the National Metrology Institute in the implementation of ISIRI’s responsibilities for “developing SI systems as the official system of Weights and Measures in Iran and Calibration of measurement tools”; are as followings:
  • Developing the SI system as the official system of measurement in the country
  • General policy making in Scientific and Industrial Metrology fields
  • Traceability of all Measurements in the country
  • Establishment, maintenance and updating National Reference Labs
  • Calibration of reference measuring equipment of the accredited labs in the field of calibration
  • Developing National standards of measurement and participation in the development of International Standards
  • Conducting research in the field of Measurement

NMCI missions as the National Legal Metrology Institute (NLMI)
  • General policy making in Legal  Metrology
  • Surveillance on all measurements in the country
  • Commenting and voting on draft OIML International Standards
  • Seal marking of all weighing instruments in the country
  • Managing annual verification programs for all scales, weighbridges, gas stations in the country.

NMCI Activities

NMCI's most significant activities in the fields of legal, scientific and industrial metrology are as followings:
  1. Preparation of Strategy Plan for promotion of Metrology in Iran
  2. Development of National Standards relating to metrology
  3. Reassessment of the last three years' performed activities
  4. Surveillance of the quality of fuel nozzles (Petrol & Gas oil stations)
  5. Surveillance of the quality of precious metals (Gold)
  6. Surveillance the quality of measuring instruments of business associations
  7. Surveillance on the activities of accredited labs for conformity assessment of scales and weighbridges in the country
  8. Preparing the required infrastructure for implementation of Nanometrology in Iran
  9. Planning the development of legal metrology in medical, packaging products, etc.
  10.  Increasing the knowledge of the accredited experts of calibration labs
  11.  Setting up the web-based portal for keeping continuous controlling and monitoring of road weighbridges throughout the country
  12.  Establishment and management of OIML National Mirror Technical Committees in partnership with university professors, and research and development centers of Iran
  13. Verification of  liquid fuel nozzles
  14. Verification of  non-automatics weighing instruments (except for weighbridges)
  15. Verification of  weighbridges
  16. Meter Bars
  17. Controlling and Monitoring the verification processes by Web-Base Software
  18. Hallmarking of  precious metals (Gold)
  19. Seal marking of weighing instruments
  20.  Trainings relating metrology
  21. Publishing monthly metrology magazines
  22. Testing samples of non-automatics weighing instruments manufactured in Iran
  23. Controlling samples of imported goods

NMCI is collaborating with below regional and international organizations:
  • BIPM (Bureau International des Poi ds et Mesures)
  • OIML (International Organization of legal Metrology)
  • APMP (Asian Pacific Metrology Program)
  • SMIIC (The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries)
  • Other NMI’s


Participation in International Committees/Councils:
NMCI participates in various committees including standardization committees:
  • OIML/TC’s
  • ISO/REMCO reference materials
  • Metrology Council of SMIIC