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Thursday 10/8/2015
Wednesday 9/29/2021

Due to the necessity of international interactions and protection of the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of trade and commerce at the national and international levels, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with the resolutions of the 92nd and 93rd meetings of the Supreme Council of Standards in 1995 and 1996 assigned the responsibility of evaluating and certifying conformity assessment bodies to the Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial Research, which subsequently recognized the need to establish an independent and impartial system for providing accreditation services, the Iran's Accreditation System (IAS) was founded  in 1996.
At the 17th Joint Meeting of the IAF and ILAC in September 2003 (in Bratislava, Slovakia), the Iran's Accreditation System signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and became a member.
In addition, in 2005, Iran's accreditation system became a member of the PAC and ILAC, and the international credibility of Iran's accreditation system in the mentioned international cooperation and forum became subject to the signing of the MLA and MRA multilateral recognition arrangement.
Following the approval No. 109124 /T43180 dated 6 August 2009 of the Government Infrastructure Commission, the subject of Article 138 of the Constitution and the executive regulations of Article 33, the structure of Iran's accreditation system was revised and amended in accordance with international standards and criteria. In 2010, it was renamed to National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI). In this regard, in 2012, in accordance with Article 7 of the above-mentioned regulations, this center was included in the organizational chart of the Iran National Standards Organization as an independent center and under the direct supervision of the head of the organization.
In accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the plan to strengthen and develop the standards system of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the accreditation body is obliged to accreditation of conformity assessment bodies. Accreditation activities are carried out in the "National Accreditation Center of Iran", the head of which is elected on the proposal of the head of the Iran National Standards Organization and with the approval of the Supreme Council of Standards and by the order of the head of the Iran National Standards Organization for four years.

 1. Establishing an appropriate structure in accordance with national and international rules and requirements in order to optimally perform the relevant tasks, membership in APAC, ILAC, LAF and signing bilateral and multilateral recognition arrangements with other accreditation bodies
 2. Being IAF MLA and ILAC MRA signatory member in the scopes of ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO/IEC 17024 and ISO/IEC 17065 in the implementation of the general policies of Article 44 of the Constitution
3. Improving the credibility of all stakeholders inside and outside the country regarding the accuracy of conformity assessment activities

  1. The National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI) as the sole National Accreditation Body for the Islamic Republic of Iran works at the following scopes:

a- Scope of certification bodies:
   a-1 Management systems Certification bodies according to ISO/IEC17021-1 and other related international standards and required references
a-2 Product certification bodies according to ISO/IEC17065 and other international documents and requirements
   a-3 Persons certification bodies according to ISO/IEC17024 and other international documents and requirements
b- Scope of inspection bodies:
   b-1 Inspection bodies based on ISO/IEC17020 and relevant regulations

c- Scope of laboratories:
   c-1 Testing and calibration laboratories according to ISO/IEC17025 and relevant regulations
   c-2 Medical laboratories according to ISO 15189
   c-3 Laboratories providing specialized proficiency testing according to ISO/IEC17043
   c-4 reference materials producers according to ISO/IEC17034

2- Conducting research and updating information and documents on the rules and regulations of accreditation activities and their conformity assessment and analysis in order to use them in developing the relevant rules and regulations and designing, documenting and establishing the necessary system in the National Accreditation Center of Iran according to the international ISO/IEC 17011 and international requirements
3. Participating and co-operating in preparing and compiling the required standards related to the scope of the accreditation of the conformity assessment bodies by analyzing the information and documents collected in clause 2 for use in compiling relevant national standards in this field within the scope of the activities of the National Accreditation Center of Iran
4- Providing the necessary infrastructure for the membership of relevant international forums, associations and international arrangements for multilateral and mutual recognition arrangements (MLA and MRA) through establishment and maintenance of relations, cooperation and coordination with international, regional and national organizations of other countries that are active in several conformity assessment bodies' accreditation scopes listed in clause 1 in particular the ISO/CASCO Conformity Assessment Committee.
5- Interacting with the accreditation institutions of other countries in order to gain experience, exchange information, and cooperate in executive affairs
National registration of the accreditation certificates issued by the National Accreditation Center of Iran for conformity assessment bodies listed in clause 1, preparation, and publication of the relevant list on the NACI's website
6- Carrying out promotional and informative activities on the rules, regulations and other issues related to the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies mentioned in clause 1 by appropriate methods, including through holding seminars and training courses and specialized publications.
7- Commenting on the draft international documents and standards in the fields related to accreditation, as well as participating in the meetings of international forums, associations and organizations in order to participate in the compilation of relevant international documents and standards.
8- Using external assessors and technical experts in various matters after their approval by the NACI in compliance with national and international rules and regulations as requirements.
Carrying out training needs of all staff involved in the NACI, as well as training needs of the external assessors and technical experts and making the necessary arrangements to provide relevant training and continuous updating of knowledge and capabilities of these individuals
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